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40th Anniversary Celebration
About HKCFP > Boards and Committees

Boards and Committees 2023

Boards / CommitteesChairman
Board of Conjoint ExaminationDr. CHAN Hung Chiu
Board of Diploma in Family MedicineDr. Simon CL AU
Board of EducationDr. Chan King Hong
Board of Professional Development and ServicesDr. LAU Ho Lim
Editorial Board (The Hong Kong Practitioner)Dr. David VK CHAO
Specialty BoardDr. Wendy W S TSUI
Board of Vocational Training & StandardsDr. YIU Yuk Kwan
Business Management CommitteeDr. Billy CF CHIU
Education Committee (AM affairs)Prof. Samuel YS WONG
External Affairs CommitteeDr. David VK CHAO
Finance CommitteeDr. Billy CF CHIU
FP Links CommitteeDr. Wendy WS TSUI
Hong Kong Primary Care Conference 2024Dr. Lorna V NG
House Management CommitteeDr. LAU Ho Lim
Internal Affairs CommitteeDr. Welchie WK KO
Membership CommitteeDr. Maria KW LEUNG
Public Education CommitteeDr. NGAN Po Lun
Quality Assurance & Accreditation CommitteeDr. LI Yim Chu
Research CommitteeProf. Samuel YS WONG
Web and Computer CommitteeDr. Matthew MH LUK
Young Doctors CommitteeDr Esther YT YU & Dr Chloe L CHAN (Co-Chair)