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40th Anniversary Celebration
Quality Assurance & Accreditation > CME Accreditation

CME Accreditation

For Organization (Other Educational Activities)

- External Organization may apply for the CME accreditation for the activities that are not accredited by College before the activity start.
- Unless otherwise specified, the completed form and supporting documents should be received by the College at least 15 working days in advance.
- For online CME events, an sample of Post Event Quiz/ Questionnaire must be submitted
- All late applications will NOT be entertained.
- For information update after submission and any other enquiries, please contact the secretariat.

Download the Application Form:  

For Members (Additional Accreditation 2023)

To declare for the activity in 2023 which had NOT been accredited by QA&A Committee before the activity started, members are advised to apply for Additional Accreditation. Supporting documents such as attendance record, photocopies of events, transcripts or published articles are required.

Application Deadline: 23 February 2024  (Closed)

Download the Additional Accreditation Application Form:   

Please submit the completed application(s) before the application deadline with $500 administration fee (Non-refundable) made payable to “HKCFP Education Ltd.” by Post to The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Rm 803-4, HKAM Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen.

*The application results are subject to the final decision of the QA & A Committee. Late submission will NOT be considered.

For Members (report on CME/CPD points missing from pre-accredited activity for year 2023)

For activities in 2023 that are pre-accredited by the QA & A Committee, members can report any credits points that were missed from CME/CPD report. Please kindly download the reporting form, complete and submit to us (by email / fax / post) at your convenience.

Submission Deadline: 23 February 202(Closed)

Download the “Report on CMECPD missing points from pre-accredited activity”: 

Please feel free to contact us if you have any enquiries:

Secretariat’s Contact
Mr. John MA and Ms. Iris IP
2871 8899
2866 0616
The Hong Kong College of Family Physicians, Rm 803-4, HKAM Jockey Club Building, 99 Wong Chuk Hang Road, Aberdeen