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Guides to Vocational Training

Guides to Vocational Training - Introduction

The six-year Vocational Training Programme in Family Medicine of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians (hereafter referred to as the Programme) began in January 1995. It consists of 4 years of Basic training and 2 years of Higher training. The aim of the Programme is to prepare doctors to provide high-quality specialist care to the community as a family physician.

Enrolment to training

1. An intending trainee must be a medical practitioner under full registration or limited registration in Hong Kong.
2. An intending trainee must be a current full or associate member of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.
3. A trainee must have completed 4 years of Basic Training or equivalent and has a recognised higher qualification in Family Medicine before enrolling into Higher Training.
4. An intending trainee must apply to the College for enrolment to the Programme and pay the prescribed fee to the College. 
5. The application for enrolment into training has to be supported by a clinical supervisor of the Programme. The intending trainee has to be working in an accredited training centre to enroll into Basic training.
6. Credits may be given to previous relevant experience at the discretion of the Board of Vocational Training and Standards.
7. An intending trainee must submit the application for enrolment to the Vocational Training Programme within 1 month from his/her date of commencement.
8. Applicant for higher training should fulfill the CME requirement set by QA&A regulations in the years prior to the application.

Basic Training (four years)

A minimum period of four years is considered necessary for the basic training in Family Medicine because this discipline has a broad knowledge and skill base. It also requires extensive clinical exposure in order to develop the necessary attitudes appropriate for a primary care physician. Two of the four years are hospital based and two years community based. The hospital and community based basic training can be done in any order.

The International Conjoint H.K.C.F.P./R.A.C.G.P. Fellowship Examination for trainees enrolled in the training programme from 2019

The written segments of the International Conjoint H.K.C.F.P./R.A.C.G.P. Fellowship Examination can be taken after satisfactory completion of at least two years of basic training. The clinical segments can be taken on satisfactory completion of four years of basic training.

Higher Training (two years)

The higher training consists of at least two years of supervised independent practice.

Each trainee will be supervised by a clinical supervisor in Family Medicine throughout the two years of training. The clinical supervisor and trainee do not need to work in the same practice. There will be regular contacts between the clinical supervisor and the trainee to provide training and advice on patient care, practice management and professional development.

Documentation of Training

The trainee has to keep a detail training logbook which records all his/her training postings, work experience, training activities with clinical supervisors, structured educational programmes attended, certified check-lists of knowledge and skills, learning portfolio and other educational activities. The learning portfolio should consist of six-monthly learning plans and learning activities. The training logbook is reviewed by the clinical supervisors and mentors periodically. Formative assessment and feedback on the training between the trainee and his/her clinical supervisor should be recorded in the training logbook. The training logbook or the checklist of training endorsed by the clinical supervisors has to be submitted to the Board of Vocational Training and Standards for assessment annually and at the end of Basic and Higher Training.

Certification of Completion of Training

The trainee needs to apply in writing to the Board of Vocational Training and Standards for certification of completion of training.

The application must be accompanied by all the supporting documents.

All the following criteria must be satisfied before the trainee can be certified for completion of training in Family Medicine:

Satisfactory completion of Basic Training:-
a. A minimum period of two years (or equivalent) of accredited hospital based training.
b. A minimum period of two years (or equivalent) of accredited community based training.
c. Certification of acquisition of all the basic knowledge and skills listed in the Basic Training Logbook by the responsible clinical supervisors.
d. Regular attendance at an approved structured educational programme.
e. Satisfactory evaluations by the clinical supervisors.
f. Completion of all the relevant sections in the Training Logbook.

Satisfactory completion of Higher Training:-
a. A minimum of two years of community based higher training under regular supervision of a clinical supervisor and a mentor in family medicine.
b. Certification of acquisition of all the knowledge and skills listed in the Higher Training Logbook by the responsible clinical supervisors.
c. Regular attendance at an approved structured educational programme.
d. Completion of the relevant sections in the Training Logbook.
e. Satisfactory evaluations by the clinical supervisor.

Recommendation by the Board of Vocational Training and Standards and approval by Council of the Hong Kong College of Family Physicians.

Retrospective Accreditation in Comparable Training in Family Medicine

College Fellows and Members with a recognised intermediate qualification who contemplate to become HKAM Fellows and to achieve the status of Specialist in Family Medicine are welcomed to submit the related supporting documents for our Board’s consideration of accreditation, and recommendation to sit for the Exit Examination.

1 Eligibility of the applicant

Medical Practitioners under full registration or limited registration with MCHK and with a recognised intermediate Family Medicine qualification as approved by HKCFP.

Requirement of 6 years comparable supervised training in Family Medicine

Pre-intermediate qualification Training (Comparable Basic training)

2.1.1 Specialty based training (other than Family Medicine):

At least 12 months to a maximum of 42 months

At least 2 specialties

iii. Any one specialty of a minimum duration of 3 months up to a total of 24 months

iv. Another specialty of a minimum duration of 3 months up to a total of 12 months

2.1.2 Community based Family Medicine training:

At least 6 months and up to 36 months

2.1.3 Competency Requirements:

A. Emergency Medicine

B. Paediatrics
2.2 Post-intermediate qualification Training (Comparable Higher training)

24 – 36 months community based training