June 2004, Vol 26, No. 6

What's in the web for family physicians - emergency medicine

Alfred KY Tang 鄧權恩

1. National Center for Emergency Medicine Informatics

NCEMI has a comprehensive site on Emergency Medicine. It features weekly quizzes on x-ray, ECG, and photos relating to common conditions found in the emergency room. Its powerful search engine can conduct searches using keywords on eMedicine textbooks, other eMedicine engines, Medline, Practice Guidelines, Drug information and Medical dictionaries. Keywords like "snake bite" or "jellyfish stings" will yield useful and handy information.

2. Find the Pathology

The website is a problem based exercise on Diagnostic Imaging Strategies in the Emergency Room. Simulation cases are put up and the user picks his choice of radiological examinations with the aim of establishing the diagnosis and plan of management. The ideal algorithm is then presented which emphasises on efficient and cost-effective use of imaging investigations.

3. Liverpool Trauma Website

The education section of this trauma website has very useful information on emergency medicine. The content of the concise HANDBOOK OF TRAUMA CARE is available online. There is also a collection of useful x-ray images for diagnostic challenges. Trauma procedures and surgeries are also available in this section of the website.

4. EMBBS Emergency Medicine and Primary Care Home Page

The website features libraries of x-ray, CT Scan, medical photos and challenges like case simulations and interesting EKGs. Lectures on Emergency Medicine are also available at the website. Reviews of clinical topics for emergency and primary care physicians are available, together with interesting cases brought up for review.

5. Jeff Mann's Guidemaps on Emergency Medicine

Guidemaps for common conditions encountered in the Emergency Room, including those of ECG analysis of chest pain, nerve injuries, neuro-ophthalmological problems and toxicology workups. Algorithms of management, common dosage of drugs and precautions in management are highlighted.


The website focuses on knowledge and understanding of trauma and its management. The TRAUMABANK is a repository covering different aspects of trauma care, from injury prevention to trauma surgeries. The IMAGEBANK is a structured database of images relating to trauma and its management. The images are freely available for personal use. The MOULAGE is a practice scenario, where simulation cases are presented for users' assessment and management. It is helpful in testing both knowledge and decision making ability.

Alfred KY Tang, MBBS (HK), MFM (Monash)
Family Physician in Private Practice

Correspondence to: Dr Alfred KY Tang, Shop 3A, 2/F, Hsin Kuang Shopping Centre, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, China.

E-mail: alfredtang@hkma.org

Please note that this and previous editions of "What's in the Web for Family Physicians" are now on the links page of the Web site. All suggested sites are connected by hyperlinks and can be reached by a click of the mouse.