April 2005, Volume 27, No. 4

What's in the web for family physicians - mood disorders

Alfred KY Tang 鄧權恩

Hong Kong Mood Disorder Centre

Apart from results of local surveys on mood disorders and an outline of the services of the Centre, the website has various sections which are useful for family physicians as well as patients. Self assessment questionnaires, patient information on mood disorders and stress management are available online. An archive of experience sharing by patients and therapists is particularly interesting, and the stories demonstrated well how family physicians can take a major role in management of mood disorders in the community.


An online library of health videos intended for clinicians as well as public is available on the website with a designated section on mental health. Hundreds of topics on mood disorder are available in this library of health video and CME articles. The collection serves as a good reference for family physicians on different topics in mood disorders such as anxiety, depression, stress and anger management.

Beating The Blues

With the use of computer technology, Beating the Blues aims to be a cost effective and time efficient way of delivering Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), to patients suffering from anxiety and depression. Designed as a self-help treatment programme for patients to identify maladaptive cognitions and determine realistic treatment goals, Beating the BluesTM makes use of interactive modules, animations and voice-overs to motivate and engage the user. An online introduction of Beating the Blues is available at the website.

CANMAT Website

Canadian Network for Mood and Anxiety Treatments (CANMAT) is a network linking healthcare professionals across Canada in the treatment of mood and anxiety disorders. The website provides a nationwide informational link, in terms of research, education and public awareness and policy development, to all the key health care, educational and research institutions involved in mood and anxiety treatments.

Beyondblue - The National Depression Initiative

As a non-profit organization to promote public awareness and facilitate treatment of mood disorders, the website has abundant information on health education materials together with a variety of simple checklists useful for patients or their doctors to identify depression and anxiety. Other resources available in the website include a multimedia library with audio and video clips, fact sheets and other educational materials developed by the organization.


MoodGYM is an internet-based therapy programme designed to prevent depression in young people. It consists of several modules, a workbook and some interactive sessions. It includes assessments of anxiety and depression, "warpy" thinking, life-event stress, parental relationships, and pleasant event scheduling. BluePages http://bluepages.anu.edu.au is another section of the website of Australian National University (Canberra) which provides information about depression for the public. The website allows search for resources in symptoms, treatment and prevention of depression.

National Institute of Mental Health

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is one of components of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the principal biomedical research agent of the U.S. government. The website provides useful information on mood disorders, including health information, publications of NIMH, highlights and breaking news. A section on Real Men - Real Depression allows the user to hear real stories of men with depression, how they got help and got better.

Alfred K Y Tang, MBBS (HK)
Family Physician in Private Practice.

Correspondence to : Dr Alfred K Y Tang, Shop 3A, 2/F, Hsin Kuang Shopping Centre, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR.

E-mail : alfredtang@hkma.org